Khabarovsk Bypass highway is the largest concession project in the region worth 47 billion rubles. This is the first toll highway in the Russian Far East. Project implementation will open up new opportunities for the establishment of the transport infrastructure required for the intensive development of the Far Eastern region of Russia.
The highway has strategic importance; it allows to relieve the city’s road network from transit vehicles and divert the cargo flows away from it. The highway interconnects three federal highways: A-370 Ussuri, R-297 Amur and A-375 Vostok, and provides access to the Chinese road network in the future.
The road spans 27.1 kilometers, 52.8 km is a total span of the new transportation infrastructure. The 15-meter wide road surface with 4 lanes and a speed limit of 120 km/h allow a throughput of up to 25,000 cars per day. The road passes through five traffic interchanges and 24 bridges and overpasses. Five barrier-type toll collection points are installed at various sites.